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Reviews for Shamrock


“Another absorbing, well-researched historical novel from Dana. This is a very interesting prequel to The Duke’s Lover, previously released as Alba Rosa Foe. We discovered how Alys came to England and hear about her early relationship with Edmund.
The adolescent feelings of Alys are captured well and the seeds are sown for the development of her character in the next book.” On Amazon UK



“The characters are intriguing, complex and realistic. The scenes are vividly detailed and descriptive that it paints a majestic backdrop that leaves an impression for a while after you've finished. I like that the main female wasn't afraid to speak her mind or that she has a spine of steel. Twists, turns and unexpected surprises that seems to be lurking around every corner. Once you pick up this page turning bombshell you won't be able to put it down. What lenghts would you go through for love? What sacrifices would you make? Dana has an amazing talent for making the suspense feel so real your body is humming with adrenaline. You never know whos friend or foe. Who you can trust and who you can't. Sometimes it's those closer to you that you need distance from. Dana did an incredible job bringing this read to life flawlessly. Great job Dana.” On Amazon US


“This is a wonderful book! I am a recent reader of this author--I'm hooked! Wonderfully written, vibrant characters are fully developed. I'll read everything Dana sells on Amazon!!” on Amazon US




Available in November 22
Reviews for White Rose

“I found myself hooked and not able to put this book down. I love the feistiness of the Alys. The author did a good job of drawing me in and getting me lost in this world. I could relate to Alys and her feelings. Looking forward to the next book.” on Amazon US


“I loved this story- could not put this book down! A love story during volatile period in England but not what you expect!!” on Amazon US


“There is so much intrigue and revenge so many secrets. I loved Alys, she is a strong intelligent woman. She will do whatever it takes to survive. Loved the in and outs of all the characters. This is an intense story.” on Amazon US

Reviews for Red Rose

“It was great to revisit our old friend, Alys in the latest instalment of this splendid, well-researched series, which captures a realistic feeling of the time, particularly the intricacies and political workings in the Royal Court.
Alys, as ever, is a lively and determined heroine and I also sympathised with the pragmatic Morgan, who finds herself in a precarious position during this book.
The author has included a list of characters and you could read this as a stand-alone, but I would recommend strongly that you read the previous novels as well as they are great fun and you get a better overall understanding of the story line.
This fast-paced tale has many twists and turns, leading to a dramatic conclusion that could lead to another episode in Alys’ adventures?
I hope so!” on Amazon UK


“Alys is one of my favorite characters, strong and resourceful. Was definitely worth the wait to see where she ended up.” Amazon US


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