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Dana Arpquest

Q&A witH Sweet Romance AUTHOR Edith Mackenzie

Edith MacKenzie or Eddie Mac to her friends is an Australian author of sweet and wholesome contemporary cowboy romance. They say in literary circles to write what you know and Eddie has certainly taken that to heart. Before embarking on a writing career she trained horses professionally and brings that wealth of knowledge to her writing. Now a mum to a boy and girl, as well as wife, she delights with her tales of strong cowgirls and their adventures in finding love. When not weaving the love stories of her characters, she enjoys hanging out with her family and animals, as well as reading, fishing and camping Just remember once a cowgirl, always a cowgirl

Q: Hello Edith and thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I’m quite excited this week as it’s all about Cowboys 😊. Edith, could you tell us a little about yourself?

Thank you for having me Dana.

I’m a mum to two kids, a boy (5) and a girl (21mths), I live in Australia with my wonderful husband and my mother. We also have two dogs and a cat, plus the outside animals. Our house is filled with a lot of noise and movement lol.

This year has been a milestone year for me, I turned 40, my son started school and I decided to finally start writing seriously. Then like most people a spanner was thrown in the works with COVID and right in the midst of that I was diagnosed with cancer (After some surgeries I only have low grade cell changes left.)

I feel like I am at the very beginning of a new stage in my life and am so excited by what it will bring. (Although my son would be more impressed if I started writing dinosaur Minecraft inspired fiction lol)

Q: I’ve read that you trained horses before you started writing. Is the inspiration for your books based on some real events?

Not so much real events, but I guess the general day to day of things in the books. Or what happens generally at events. I did name some of the horses after my friends’ horses lol.

Q: Have you always wanted to be a writer and when did you write your first novel/novella?

My Grandma suffered from MS and by the time I was old enough to understand what that really meant her entire world had shrunk to her bedroom, due to her limited mobility. When I would feel sad for her, she would say but I have my books and with them I can go anywhere. She would ask me to describe my adventures to her and when I was old enough to start reading she would pick one of her favourite books at a time and give them to me and what patiently till I had finished and we could talk about it together. I miss her, she would be so proud that I finally believed enough in myself to actually share my stories with the world.

I guess like a lot of people I have a hard drive full of stories that will never see the light of day, I’ve always written, but only as an outlet for myself, never with the intent of publishing. A short story A Bull Rider’s Paradise is the first story I wrote with the intent of publishing.

Q: Your latest book A cowgirl's dream has lots of emotions and dramas. What can you tell us about this book that is not in the blurb?

It explores strong female friendships and the idea that even when you are falling in love it’s okay to chase your dreams and put yourself first. If he is the right man for you, he will be there, cheering you along every step of the way, not threatened by your ambitions. Everything comes down to belief, in yourself, in your loved ones and in your dreams.

Actually that sounds very vague, but that’s all you get lol

Q: Your next few books are available for pre-order on Amazon. I’m guessing you’ve written them all already. Which of your books is your favourite (if any)?

Gosh, it’s the old which one is your favourite child question. Um I REALLY loved writing A Cowgirl’s Passion (book #3). The two main characters were so much fun together and from book one had been begging for their own story. I’m particularly proud of the epilogue in A Cowgirl’s Love (book #5) and I cried when I finished the final chapter in A Cowgirl’s Billionaire (book #7 and the final in the series.) Gosh, can I just say all of them? I love all of them for different reasons.

Q: Are some of the heroes of previous stories going to appear in future books as secondary characters?

The Barrels and Hearts Series is set with the same cast so to speak, exploring a different MC for each. I’m also writing my Cowboy Christmas Series as we speak and Luciano and a few of the others make a cameo.

Q: What is your favourite trope in romance? And do you choose the trope before writing or does it come alive as your story develops?

The enemies to lovers trope was fun to write, and that particular pairing pretty much told me that was how their story was going to go. Fish out of water, widower, billionaire, celebrity. I love them all as long as there’s a cowboy in the mix. I usually come up with my main character first and then the pairing will tell me which way to make it work as I’m plotting out the story. Having said that I’ve also had the vague idea for the story first and written the characters to suit.

Q: What comes first: the characters or the plot?

I think I touched on that above. I’m a plotter, but I “meet” my characters first. Inspiration hits me usually when I get some peace and quiet (most often the shower) and I have files of characters, just waiting to have their story told.

Q: Who is the author that inspires you the most?

Can I have a few? Liz Isaacson and Carolyn Brown are probably the main ones.

Q: Do you come up with the tile of the books before or after you’ve written the story?

All the books in a series will have a theme. Obviously for this one A Cowgirl’s… and the final part usually comes about at some stage in the writing.

Q: What are you working on at the moment? (Note: you might have answered this above with the pre-order question)

My Cowboy Christmas Series. (Boots and mistletoe, The cowboy under the mistletoe, and Mistletoe and the billionaire’s cowgirl)

Q: What’s a typical writing day?

I have small children, there’s no such thing as a normal day lol. My youngest is still at home and my hubby with COVID has been working from home and kicked me out of my office. I usually do marketing for an hour somewhere in my day, maybe grab an hour or two when my daughter naps (big LOLS, who am I kidding, she doesn’t sleep) so sometimes I’m rocking her and trying to write a scene on my phone. Once everyone is asleep by 7.30, I will try and write again or whatever else is needed (formatting, catching up with my editor, organising ads), before said daughter wakes up again and more writing on my phone. At this stage I’m pretty much running on sugar and caffeine! I try and get 3-4k a day.

Q: What is your favourite part of writing?

In a perfect world, when I’m sitting in a quiet room and the words are flowing or I’m doing something and inspiration hits me for another story that just has to be told.

Q: What do you think is the most important element of good writing?

Write. Everyone begins somewhere and as long as you’re willing to learn, there’s no better way than simply getting words on the paper.

Q: What is your favourite book of all time (I know this is hard but just pick one) and why?

The book thief. Oh my gosh that book got to me on so many levels. My grandma was in Austria during the war and would have been the same age as the children and the way it was told.

Q: Have you any hobbies that are not writing related?

Gardening, glass bead making, fishing, reading, horse riding, camping.

Q: Do you have suggestion for people who want to start writing?

I think I mentioned it before, just start writing. It only has to be a few words a day, but one day you will look up and suddenly you’ve completed your first book.

Q: Finally, a dinner with three famous people: who would you choose?

Prince Charles (I love his environmental work), Freddy Mercury (I mean who wouldn’t) and Jennifer Lawrence (That girl cracks me up)

Q: Are you on social media? Where can people interact with you?


Edith latest's book was released yesterday and is available on Amazon. You can also visit her website at for more details about the series.

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